


更新时间:2019-05-27 16:40点击:

  上海嘉庭俱乐部现已正式与 The Dunedin Club、 The United Service Club、The Duke's Golf Club 签订互惠俱乐部伙伴关系,互惠俱乐部总数已达107家。现在,作为上海嘉庭俱乐部会员的您,也将能获得与这三家俱乐部会员同样的尊享礼遇。迄今为止,上海嘉庭俱乐部互惠俱乐部已经遍布全球26个国家。

  The Dunedin Club、 The United Service Club、The Duke's Golf Club is now three of STCC Reciprocal Clubs. STCC members allow to enjoy their facilities. As of today, Shanghai Town & Country Club is affiliated with 107 world-class clubs in over 26 countries around the world.

  The Dunedin Club

  The Dunedin Club历史悠久,可追溯到19世纪50年代的拓荒者。1848年,两艘移民船约翰·威克利夫和菲利普·莱恩停泊在达尼丁,带来了奥塔戈的第一批欧洲移民。

  The Dunedin Club has a distinguished history which stretches back to the pioneers of the 1850s. In 1848 the two settler ships John Wickliffe and Philip Laing berthed at Dunedin, bringing Otago's first European migrants.

  The United Service Club

  The United Service Club, 位于澳大利亚布里斯班城市,成立于1892年,历史悠久。

  The United Service Club is located in Brisbane, Australia, it was founded in 1892 and has a long history.

  The Duke's Golf Club

  位于英国苏格兰,该俱乐部拥有老英国苏格兰风格的酒店和球场。上海嘉庭俱乐部与该互惠俱乐部签署互惠协议, 嘉庭会员可享有免费的高尔夫球车和85%的Spa礼遇。

  Located in Scotland, England, the golf course boasts Old English and Scottish style hotels and courses. STCC and the reciprocal club signed a reciprocal agreement, our members can enjoy free golf cart and 85% Spa benefit.